ICS Journal

Following the just concluded council elections held from 15th May 2023 to 17th May 2023, the Chairman position and 6 vacant council positions had candidates duly elected.

The elected candidates assume office and make up the 11-person council.

FCS Joshua W. Wambua, MBS     Chairman
FCS Dr. Nicholas K. Letting         Council Member
FCS Jacqueline Waihenya           Council Member 
FCS George O. Athiambo  Council Member
CS Kathryne MaunduCouncil Member
CS Dr. Wyne MutumaCouncil Member
CS Joyce Koech                        Council Member
CS Joyce Njeri Mukururi  Council Member
CS Simon Peter Mwangi KariukiCouncil Member
CS Judy Olive WaruiCouncil Member
CS William Kiema Sammy Council Member